
We define our stakeholders as all entities or individuals that are related to the activities, products and services of Fibra Danhos.

All entities or individuals that are related to the activities, products and services of Fibra Danhos are stakeholders. Therefore, conveying to them our culture and spirit is an ongoing task, because we consider them an essential component for our activities, and their involvement is essential in the management, offering, management and use of our assets. As mentioned previously, our materiality analysis identified eight types of stakeholders:

  • Employees
  • Tenants
  • Visitors
  • Suppliers
  • CBFI holders
  • Communities
  • ADI members
  • Authorities

Dialogue with these groups is part of our day-to-day work, from identifying sites for our real-estate developments to their operation. Each area of the company is responsible for bilateral communication with stakeholders, whose participation is necessary for various concrete actions—in the case of developers, for designing and building our properties—and to identify the needs and expectations of each of these.

(102-21, 102-40, 102-42)

In order to learn about these expectations, we apply a questionnaire in every shopping center, asking visitors, among other things, about the part of the city they’re visiting us from, mobility and consumption, frequency of visits and favorite stores; perceptions on the location, design, product selection and entertainment; main reason for visiting (proximity to work or school, or variety of stores, for example), and suggestions to better meet their expectations: cultural events, premieres, musical events, restaurants, department stores, other stores or supermarkets. By learning about the tastes and expectations of the stakeholders that visit our shopping centers we can form a more complete picture of them and respond to these needs.



18-25 years


Undergraduate degree

Marital status1


Socio-economic level2



Private sector employee



1. Average in 10 shopping centers
2. Average in 7 shopping centers
3. Average in 9 shopping centers


Transportation to shopping center1


Mass transit
(metro, metro-bus, light rail, bus, trolleybus)

1 Average of 7 shopping centers

Time to reach shopping center2


10 to 30 minutes

2 Average of 9 shopping centers


Time of stay


2-4 hours
Average of 7 shopping centers

Day of visit


Average of 7 shopping centers

Accompanied by


Average of 7 shopping centers



on their last visit
Average of 6 shopping centers

Payment method


Average of 9 shopping centers

Visits to this shopping center

Visit two or more times a week
Average of 7 shopping centers


Perception of shopping center

Mention location as what they like most about it
Average of 9 shopping centers


Main reason for visiting

Mention variety of stores
Average of 6 shopping centers

(102-43, 413-1)

We also identified the topics that most interested all our stakeholders and committed to work on them and to provide them with transparent, responsible, timely and appropriate information. To do so, we have the following channels for communication and feedback:

Stakeholder group






Communities and NGOs

Government and industry relations con la industria
Evaluations and feedback
Workplace environment surveys
Ethical complaint hotline
For us, client satisfaction is what’s most important, so we have a very active relationship with our tenants through our management of properties and their sales reports. To ensure our visitors have an unforgettable experience in our properties, we actively seek their feedback. Supply contracts
Annual reports
In addition to quarterly and annual reports and the annual shareholders’ meetings, the investor relations team at Fibra Danhos meets with current and prospective investors on request, to answer any questions and to ask them for feedback. Quarterly reports
Annual reports
Investor relations
Continuous interaction to stay abreast of policies that may affect our properties, business model and investment activities.
Through Amefibra (The Mexican FIBRAS Association) we deal with all types of issues that are internal and external to the industry.
We know that open dialogue with our employees is vital to retention of talent. High-quality work, like the open-doors dynamic of our corporate offices, generates new and better practices regarding workplace environment. Energy, water, waste management, sales, safety, community impact. Safety, satisfaction and, above all, a place that can be a lifestyle center for them, with entertainment, services and stores. Maintain ethical, mutually beneficial relations. Inform them of our business strategies, financing and use of proceeds; explain financial statements and property statements, as well as our sustainable business vision and model. Have spaces that contribute value to communities by creating jobs and properties that restore zones and inject life, safety and economic resources to communities. Information on corporate governance and new policies.
Daily (informal)
Daily (property management)
Signing and renewal of contracts
Regular meetings
On request
Social networks
On request
Signing and renewal of contracts
On request
  Before the start of the project
During project development
On request
Regular industry meetings
On request

We also have a global Stakeholder Engagement Policy that involves all employees of Fibra Danhos, supporting the connection with and value of each stakeholder for the company ( politicarelaciongruposintereses.pdf). This policy is complemented by the guidelines of our Code of Ethics ( codigoeticoes.pdf), as well as our sustainability policy ( politicasostenibilidades.pdf), which explains the importance of incorporating stakeholder expectations into our value creation.

Successful relations with our stakeholders are sustained by a series of principles and synergies between them; this means that we generate value for everyone, magnifying the positive impacts of the company’s activities, securing a financial return and contributing to socioeconomic development. These principles are the following: