Consolidated Statements of Changes in
Trustors’ Capital

For the years ended December 31, 2020, 2019 and 2018
(In Mexican pesos)

of CBFIs
  Other items of
(loss) income
Balance as of January 1, 2018 $ 43,610,750,525 $ 10,878,899,354 $ - $ (1,075,211) $ 54,488,574,668 $ 461,693,269 $ 54,950,267,937
Increase in equity due to capitalization of advisory fees   580,061,236   -   -   -   580,061,236   -   580,061,236
Capital reimbursements   (1,567,037,927)   -   -   -   (1,567,037,927)   -   (1,567,037,927)
Dividends paid       (1,696,509,187)   -   -   (1,696,509,187)   -   (1,696,509,187)
Cancellation of CBFI’s Via Vallejo   (240,768,514)   -   -   -   (240,768,514)   -   (240,768,514)
Contribution of non-controlling interest   -   -   -   -   -   291,371,979   291,371,979
Comprehensive income:
Consolidated net income for the year   -   3,889,865,680   -   -   3,889,865,680   1,931,610   3,891,797,290
Actuarial loss for employee benefits   -   -   -   (1,078,925)   (1,078,925)   -   (1,078,925)
        3,889,865,680   -   (1,078,925)   3,888,786,755   1,931,610   3,890,718,365
Balance as of December 31, 2018   42,383,005,320   13,072,255,847       (2,154,136)   55,453,107,031   754,996,858   56,208,103,889
Increase in equity due to capitalization of advisory fees   578,108,176   -   -   -   578,108,176   -   578,108,176
Capital reimbursements   (1,327,367,790)   -   -   -   (1,327,367,790)   -   (1,327,367,790)
Dividends paid   -   (2,122,657,102)   -   -   (2,122,657,102)   -   (2,122,657,102)
Issuance of CBFI’s Torre Virreyes   426,737,116   -   -   -   426,737,116   -   426,737,116
Cancellation of CBFI’s Toreo (Comercial)   (189,016,204)   -   -   -   (189,016,204)   -   (189,016,204)
Decrease of non-controlling interest   -   -   -   -   -   (72,922,956)   (72,922,956)
Contribution of non-controlling interest   -   -   -   -   -   94,169,379   94,169,379
Comprehensive income:
Consolidated net income for the year   -   4,091,268,558   -   -   4,091,268,558   13,497,532   4,104,766,090
Actuarial loss for employee benefits   -   -   -   (1,345,923)   (1,345,923)   -   (1,345,923)
    -   4,091,268,558   -   (1,345,923)   4,089,922,635   13,497,532   4,103,420,167
Balance as of January 31, 2019   41,871,466,618   15,040,867,303   -   (3,500,059)   56,908,833,862   789,740,813   57,698,574,675
Increase in equity due to capitalization of advisory fees   586,886,696   -   -   -   586,886,696   -   586,886,696
Capital reimbursements   (290,805,991)   -   -   -   (290,805,991)   -   (290,805,991)
Dividends paid       (1,188,303,073)   -   -   (1,188,303,073)   -   (1,188,303,073)
Re-purchase of CBFIs   -   -   (168,090,485)   -   (168,090,485)   -   (168,090,485)
Contribution of non-controlling interest   -   -   -   -   -   356,286,775   356,286,775
Comprehensive income:
Consolidated net income for the year   -   2,644,138,765   -   -   2,644,138,765   (135,079)   2,644,003,686
Actuarial gain for employee benefits   -   -   -   719,898   719,898   -   719,898
    -   2,644,138,765   -   719,898   2,644,858,663   (135,079)   2,644,723,584
Balance as of December 31, 2020 $ 42,167,547,323 $ 16,496,702,995 $ (168,090,485) $ (2,780,161) $ 58,493,379,672 $ 1,145,892,509 $ 59,639,272,181

See accompanying notes to the consolidated financial statements.