Inspired by the solidity we achieved through the adjustments we made during the past year, our targets for 2021 are as follows:
Maintain and increase occupancy levels.
Recover income from base rent, overage and maintenance revenues.
Maintain a solid capital structure, with low leverage.
Turn our revolving line of credit into a “green line,” for which we are now negotiating an energy KPI that will be formalized in 2021.
Improve our control of environmental indicators, using our 2019 level of 95% as a baseline.
Continue reducing our consumption of water and energy by 3% against 2019 levels (consumption was lower in 2020 due to the closure of many of the establishments in our shopping centers).
Maintain operating and efficiency standards for our LEED properties: Torre Virreyes and Parque Toreo.
Apply the recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD).
Continue strengthening our relationship with stakeholders, learning about their expectations and needs based on questionnaires applied in shopping centers, and through daily monitoring of social media.
Develop career and succession plans, a performance evaluation system and a system of incentives and variable compensation, along with an institutional onboarding program.
Have 70% women in our workforce by 2023.
Have 50% women in management positions by 2025.
50% women in senior management positions by 2025.
50% women in junior management positions by 2023.
35% women in income-generating management positions by 2023.
Resume the institutional health and nutrition programs that we began in 2019 and had to suspend in 2020.
Create a volunteer program for employees; promote educational initiatives and create a program of donations.